"Love is not love
which alters when it alteration finds,
or bends with the remover to remove;
O, No! It is an ever fixed mark
that looks on tempests
and is never shaken." -Shakespeare

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Teachers Pet

Dear Princess Love Junkie,
My friend told me about your blog, and I was so happy to hear about it because I don't have anyone to share my problem with. I'm in love with my Drama teacher. I'm not exaggerating. Every time he looks at me I think I'll melt. I have dreams about him all the time. I am 17 years old and he is 28, so there is only an 11 year difference. There is a 9 year age difference between my parents and they are happily married. Should I tell him how I feel about him? The other day I went into his office and I wanted to kiss him so bad. I think I'll go crazy if I don't do something soon.

Teacher's Pet

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Hate My Body

Dear Princess Love Junkie,

I have an embarrassing problem that I haven't spoken to anyone about. I am a female 24 year old virgin. I have had opportunities, but I am embarrassed by my body. I would prefer not to get into the details, but there are many aspects of my body that I hate, and I am afraid if I have sex with a boyfriend I will scare him away. I've had three serious boyfriends, and I broke up with all of them when they wanted to have sex. Please help me, I am afraid if I don't do something I will never experience true intimacy.

I Hate My Body

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear In The Closet And Over My Head,

First of all let me tell you that you are very brave. You know who you are, you just have to take that one step further and let the world know. To have sex with this girl under false pretenses is not only a betrayal to your authentic self but a betrayal to her character. You are gay. That's great! That is who you are. let the whole school figure that out, what a relief that will be. Only when you walk in the shoes that truly fit will you be able to run and then eventually fly. Find a good counselor or someone with a spiritual background that can support you through this process; this journey. Right now you are a chameleon. Shed your skin, stand in your truth. Remember the truth will always set you free and freedom will guide you on the greatest journey of your life; the journey to becoming real.

Good luck to you. Have faith in yourself, stand in your truth.


In The Closet Over My Head

Dear Princess Love Junkie,

I am a 16 year old boy, and I know I'm gay but I'm still in the closet. Nobody knows my secret. I've had a girlfriend for the past year, and she is pressuring me to have sex with her. I don't want to, but I'm afraid she might break up with me and start rumors if I don't. She's one of the hottest girls in the school, and people would figure I'm gay. I'm stressed out about it, and sometimes I think forcing myself to have sex with her is the right thing to do. Help PLJ!

>>>In the Closet and over my Head.

Dear In Love with my best friends boyfriend

Dear In Love With My Best Friend's Boyfriend,

Is this boy worth it? Do you see yourself in five years hanging out with him? Or do you see yourself sharing some of life's greatest adventures with your best friend, one of your kindred spirits? What I've learned over the past forty some years is that men come and go, but our girlfriends are the true grit in our everyday experience. They are the fabric in the tapestry that weaves throughout our lives.
It will be beneficial for you to learn this early, integrity in all relationships will give you character that will shine through and pave an exceptional path for all of your interludes with both men and women.

Look beyond this boy and see your future.

With love and light,

Dear Princess Love Junkie

Dear PLJ,

I am a fifteen year old girl, and my best friend is dating a boy who has been my secret crush for years. Last weekend he got drunk at a party and we made out in the bathroom without my friend finding out. Now I feel horrible. One part of me wants to tell her but another part is too scared. Do you think our friendship can survive if I tell her? Do you think I have a chance with him if they break-up?

In Love with my Best Friend's Boyfriend

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to Princess Love Junkie
Feel free to write with any questions that are keeping you up at night about that one person that you just can't get out of your energetic space. What would you like to talk about, ask about, dream about? Bring it to me let's look at it and examine all your possibilities