"Love is not love
which alters when it alteration finds,
or bends with the remover to remove;
O, No! It is an ever fixed mark
that looks on tempests
and is never shaken." -Shakespeare

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Hate My Body

Dear Princess Love Junkie,

I have an embarrassing problem that I haven't spoken to anyone about. I am a female 24 year old virgin. I have had opportunities, but I am embarrassed by my body. I would prefer not to get into the details, but there are many aspects of my body that I hate, and I am afraid if I have sex with a boyfriend I will scare him away. I've had three serious boyfriends, and I broke up with all of them when they wanted to have sex. Please help me, I am afraid if I don't do something I will never experience true intimacy.

I Hate My Body

1 comment:

  1. Dear I Hate My Body,

    Can you begin to do some form of dance or body therapy, like yoga or Nia? Something that would bring you into your body. Have you ever heard of Ecstatic dance? It is a very freeing form of movement where you express yourself and learn to accept and love your body. Most of the time our negative body images are really linked to something else and are not related to our bodies at all. Learn to accept yourself and your body and gradually you will be able to share your unique and beautiful body with someone who will appreciate it and love it for exactly what it is.
    Start dancing, turn on the music in the privacy of your bedroom and just begin to let it move through you.
    Best of luck, I hope I get a letter soon signed, "I am starting to love my body!"

