"Love is not love
which alters when it alteration finds,
or bends with the remover to remove;
O, No! It is an ever fixed mark
that looks on tempests
and is never shaken." -Shakespeare

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Teachers Pet

Dear Princess Love Junkie,
My friend told me about your blog, and I was so happy to hear about it because I don't have anyone to share my problem with. I'm in love with my Drama teacher. I'm not exaggerating. Every time he looks at me I think I'll melt. I have dreams about him all the time. I am 17 years old and he is 28, so there is only an 11 year difference. There is a 9 year age difference between my parents and they are happily married. Should I tell him how I feel about him? The other day I went into his office and I wanted to kiss him so bad. I think I'll go crazy if I don't do something soon.

Teacher's Pet

1 comment:

  1. Dear Teacher's Pet,

    I understand your plight, but understand, even if your teacher shares your sentiment he can not act upon it. He would lose his job and his reputation. My advice to you would be to wait until you graduate and then you can ask him out for coffee and share with him how you feel. Take all of this pent up energy and create something amazing. Sometimes that same emotion that carries us into the world and web of love can be transformed into your own creativity, your own genius. Wouldn't that be brilliant.
    Hang in there Teacher's Pet, enjoy the journey. It's only the beginning.

